Cases & Actions
State Voting Rights Act Advocacy
The Election Law Clinic is partnering with local organizations across the country to to adopt or amend SVRAs to better enfranchise people of color in local government.
UPDATED: March 7, 2025
ISSUES: Votings Rights Act
As the federal judiciary rolls back constitutional and statutory protections for the right to vote, states, now more than ever, must prioritize the value of voting, casting a meaningful ballot, and having that ballot count. Some states have responded to the roll back of rights by adopting State Voting Rights Acts (SVRAs). So far California, Washington, Oregon, Virginia, New York, Connecticut, and Minnesota have adopted SVRAs, and they apply to a variety of local government jurisdictions. The provisions of the SVRAs range from reducing the evidence required by a plaintiff to prove a vote dilution violation, all the way to expanding language protections, and adopting a preclearance provision (similar to the federal preclearance regime that was gutted by the U.S. Supreme Court in Shelby County v. Holder).
Studies have shown protections like those found in SVRAs can reduce disparities in racial turnout, increase diversity in local elected offices, and improve local governments’ responsiveness to their constituents. ELC is working with local groups that seek to adopt or amend SVRAs to better enfranchise people of color in local government.
ELC worked, as a part of a coalition to promote and support the passage of the CT VRA passed Spring 2023.
Student Lucas Rodriguez offered legislative testimony in support of the Connecticut State Voting Rights Act (SB 1226)
Written Testimony for Connecticut State Voting Rights Act (MARCH 20, 2023)
ELC supports the passage of a MD VRA. In February 2025, advanced student Nithin Venkatraman testified in the Maryland Senate on SB342. Nithin and ELC student AJ Williamson also submitted written testimony on the topic too in the House (HB1043) and Senate (SB342).
Written Testimony for SB342 (February 2025)
Written Testimony for HB1043 (February 2025)
On February 20-21 2024, advanced student, Lucas Rodriguez testified in the Maryland House and Senate on HB800 and SB660. He submitted written testimony on the topic as well.
Written Testimony for Maryland Voting Rights Act (FEBRUARY 20, 2024)
In Spring 2023, advanced student, Lucas Rodriguez submitted written testimony on the topic
Written Testimony for Maryland Voting Rights Act (MARCH 03, 2023)
ELC is a part of a coalition group to pass an NJ VRA. Visit the website to learn more about the advocacy.
New Jersey Voting Right Act Report (AUGUST 16, 2023)
ELC supports the passage of a Colorado VRA. In February 2025, Manager of Outreach, Veniece Miller testified in the Colorado Senate Committee on Veterans and Foreign Affairs on SB001.
Written Testimony for Maryland Voting Rights Act
Testimony in support of House Bill 1104
MARCH 03, 2023
Written Testimony for Connecticut State Voting Rights Act
Testimony in support of Senate Bill 1226
MARCH 20, 2023
New Jersey Voting Rights Act Report
NJVRA NOW - Why New Jersey Needs Its Own Voting Rights Act
AUGUST 16, 2023